Halloween’s starting to be over for this year and that of course means that it’s the appropriate time to start hyping about Christmas! Pohjois-Savon Seta starts the holiday season early this year in collaboration with Hotel Puijonsarvi or more familiarly Puikkari and a fabulous gang of burlesque artists. The evening will be full of stunning performances, brilliant performers and performances, bare skin and lots and lots of sparkles. This is one party you don’t want to miss! 

Guests are encouraged to dress in the spirit of burlesque/1920’s fashion and just like at the halloween party we will be rewarding the most fashionable person of the evening. In addition, since humans need other sustenance besides just eyecandy there will be a chance to enjoy goods from a naughty cocktail table for the price of 20€ per person.

Tickets will be sold in advance at the lobby of the hotel OR you can email info@pohjoissavonsetary.fi and tell us your name and how many tickets you wish to purchase. This will put your name on our very secret VIP list which will let you purchase the tickets at a more affordable price from the door whereas otherwise they would be more expensive.

Here’s a quick recap of all the information:

What and Where?
Christmas party at Hotel Puijonsarvi (Puikkari)

7.12.2019 from 20 onwards

What does it cost?
Entrance 15€ in advance or by emailing us, from the doors 20€
Food 20€ (note that if you buy advance tickets and food it’ll only be 35€ in total!)
Cloakroom 3€, not mandatory

Why would I come?
Because christmas parties are the best and there will be awesome company ofc! 

Here’s the facebook event for the evening where the same info can be found along with a list of performers who will be making an appearance during the evening. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to email us at info@pohjoissavonsetary.fi

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