Adult group

The groups are open to everyone who feels that HLBTIQA+ topics are close to them.

The purpose of the evening is to discuss topics that arise from the group itself and spend time together in a relaxed and safe atmosphere. Coffee, tea and small snacks are available. All of our Pohjois Savo Seta groups are drug-free, alcohol-free and safe, which means unconditional respect for others and equality.

If the group so agrees, the evening’s discussions will remain confidential and only within the group. The groups are not closed, but you can join at any point in the year you want.

Group activities are on hold for the time being due to a lack of resources. If you would be interested in running a group or know a suitable place to hold a group, send a message to!

Tule mukaan toimintaan!

Ovatko sateenkaarevat asiat sinulle tärkeitä?

Haluatko tulla mukaan tekemään entistä tasa-arvoisempaa Pohjois-Savoa?

Pohjois-Savon Seta on ihmisoikeusjärjestö, joka ajaa HLBTIQA+ -asioita Kuopion, Siilinjärven, Iisalmen ja Varkauden alueella.

Seuraa meitä somessa

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