Hullo everyone!
Some of you might’ve already noticed that Pohjois-Savon Seta has stepped it up lately when it comes to arranging parties and we have good news for you, there’s a lot more coming! Since there are a lot of upcoming parties we thought we’d make everyone’s lives easier by making a party calendar on facebook which sums up the event dates and times. Each party will naturally also get their own event made closer to the actual date when details are starting to come together. We do also realize that not everyone has facebook so here are all the events we currently have planned:
Sat 26.10.2019 from 22 onwards: HALLOWEEN PARTY 👻
Where: Bar Nousu, Kuopio
Entrance fee: free
Cloakroom: optional
Theme: Halloween! Best costume will be rewarded
Link to the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/836635796779659/?ti=cl
Sat 16.11.2019 from 22 onwards: Winter Party
Where: Bar Nousu, Kuopio
Sat 07.12.2019 Christmas gala
Where: Puikkari, Kuopio
Sat 14.12.2019 from 22 onwards: Christmas Party!
Where: Bar Nousu, Kuopio
Sat 18.01.2020 from 22 onwards: a Start for the New Year!
Where: Bar Nousu, Kuopio
Fri 14.02.2020 from 22 onwards: Valentine’s day Party!
Where: Bar Nousu, Kuopio
As you probably noticed, next up is the Halloween party which is approaching with a frightening speed! Put on your most terrifying costume and come party with us, best outfit of the night will receive a prize! 🤩🎃
We reserve the right to make changes to the events.