T-kutsut peruttu!
Valitettavasti tämän päivän eli 1.4.2021 T-kutsut joudutaan äkillisen sairastapauksen vuoksi perumaan. Ensi kuussa toivottavasti nähdään ja hyvää pääsiäistä kaikille!
Kuopio Pride
Unfortunately the restrictions imposed due to COVID-19 and the uncertainty about the development of the current pandemic have among other things influenced Kuopio Pride plans. We’re relieved that the pandemic is showing some signs of calming down allowing us to...
CoVid-10: Psychological, sexualized and physical violence at home
Many of us will be spending more time at home in the coming weeks – on one hand, because it’s been suggested by the government, and on the other, because many of us are either under quarantine or have weak immune systems. This time will be difficult for all of us, but...
All activities on hold for the time being!
Hullo everyone! Due to the recent Corona pandemic Pohjois-Savon Seta ry will be limiting its activities according to the decisions made by the Finnish government and Seta ry. This means the following activities will unfortunately be put on hold/cancelled: ☹️Peer...
Future meeting dates for spring are here!
Here are the meeting dates for spring 2020 for the adult group and also the first t-party date. Adult group, for LGBTQIA+ people over 18 years of age at Minnantupa (Minna Canth street 43) The first T-party of the year for gender diverse people at Minnantupa (Minna...
Join our party task force!
Glamorous greetings to all the wild party animals! Pohjois-Savon Seta’s parties have been so successfull during the last year that the board has been left nearly breathless by the great success of the events. Regardless of our own exhaustion, we still think that...
The naughty Christmas party is here!
Halloween’s starting to be over for this year and that of course means that it’s the appropriate time to start hyping about Christmas! Pohjois-Savon Seta starts the holiday season early this year in collaboration with Hotel Puijonsarvi or more familiarly...
Pohjois-Savon Seta is now available also in english!
Hullo everyone! We finally have our new and fancy site also available in english! Of course there’s still work to do and we might have forgotten to translate some things or might forget to add a translation whenever we update new stuff to the site so if you...