Unfortunately the restrictions imposed due to COVID-19 and the uncertainty about the development of the current pandemic have among other things influenced Kuopio Pride plans. We’re relieved that the pandemic is showing some signs of calming down allowing us to slowly make plans to go back to our normal lives, but due to the lingering uncertainty we have decided to make certain adjustments to the original Kuopio Pride 2020 plans.

As the current board of Pohjois-Savon Seta, we want to act responsibly and make sure that the safety and health of our members, the visitors of Pride and all our wonderful collaborators is ensured. Even though the official limitations concerning mass events have partly been lifted, we have decided that we will not be organising any during Kuopio Pride 2020 for safety reasons. This means that the parade, picnic and big parties will not be a part of this years program because we could not possibly guarantee safety distances being respected and control the number of participants during such events.

We will be organising the planned smaller scale events with limited spots available for audience such as workshops, lectures, trainings and some kind of social evenings. Big mass events will be moved to next year in hopes that the general situation pandemic-wise will have calmed down and holding them will be safer by then.

Best regards and stay healthy!

Pohjois-Savon Seta ry

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